國安處檢「國殤之柱」作煽動顛覆罪證物 高志活斥令人無法接受

May 05, 2023

警務處國家安全處今日(5日)早上採取行動,持法庭手令採取搜查行動,在元朗區檢取一件與一宗「煽動他人顛覆國家政權罪」案件有關的證物。據了解,該件證物為原本存放在港大嘉道理中心的「國殤之柱」。「國殤之柱」創作者高志活(Jens Galschiøt)回覆查詢時,斥國安處行動令人無法接受、無理,強調該雕塑完全是他的個人創作,無人煽動他展出「國殤之柱」,他亦看不出國安處在《港區國安法》下如何使用「國殤之柱」作證物。


高志活表示,他剛從新聞得知「國殤之柱」被檢走,稱從沒有人竟此向他諮詢或通知他,斥此事「令人無法接受」(outrageous),而「國殤之柱」被用作《港區國安法》下的犯罪證據,對他來說是無理(makes no sense to me)。


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I just got the news from the media about the removing of the Pillar of Shame from Hong Kong University. This is outrageous. This is my sculpture and nobody has consulted or informed me about anything.

I have heard that the sculpture will be used as evidence under the national security law, but this makes no sense to me.

The pillar was placed in Hong Kong, before Hong Kong was handed over by the British.

It is an art piece made and exhibited by a Danish artist (me) as his personal project. The initiative has been mine, nobody has incited me to put it there, and I personally paid all expenses for it.

I cannot see how they can use the sculpture under the national security law. The Democratic Alliance and many Hongkongers have been assisting me putting the sculpture in Hong Kong, but so has shipping companies, crane firms and University of Hong Kong. Even Hong Kong authorities has given permission for me to put it up and move it around.

Though I am deeply touched that the Pillar is used this way in Hong Kong, the events confirm the that symbolic language of art cannot be crushed, and only gets stronger when attacked. The Pillar of Shame and talks about the June 4th massacre hasn’t been more present than now. Hong Kong (China!) took down the pillar but got a 1000 back. It appears as 3D prints all over the world, as AI and as banners.

Sincerely yours,

Jens Galschiot, May 5th, 2023

Source: 香港01