Director of Security at Canterbury School arrested for gun possession as convicted felon

May 17, 2023

FORT MYERS, Fla. — The Director of Security at the Canterbury School was arrested Monday night after he allegedly had a gun as a convicted felon.

Canterbury School announced that Wyatt Henderson, 64, joined the staff as Director of Security for the 2022-2023 school year — with more than 20 years of experience in law enforcement.

As the head of security, the school allowed Henderson to be armed, despite being a convicted felon.

According to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO), on May 11, 2023, a private investigator told deputies that he had information about Henderson after he was hired to complete background checks on the security guards at the Canterbury School.

The investigator was able to provide LCSO with documented evidence proving that Henderson was a convicted felon prohibited from having a gun. He also learned that Henderson had been openly carrying a gun while performing his duties at the school.

In the early 2000s, Henderson, a former Charlotte County Sheriff’s drug detective, was convicted by a jury after he pistol-whipped a teenager during a drug bust in Port Charlotte. Henderson broke the teenager’s jaw and lied about the incident to federal investigators.

Henderson served 27 months in prison followed by two years of probation.

In response to Henderson’s arrest, Canterbury School officials released this statement:

“Dear Canterbury Community,

As you know, we take all matters of security very seriously at our school. Nothing is more important than the safety of everyone on our campus. It was brought to our attention that a member of our school safety team may have been incorrectly advised as to his carry permit status. It appears to be a matter of state versus federal guidelines, so we defer to our attorneys to interpret and advise us further. I can assure each and every one of you that we have never, and would never, knowingly operate outside of regulations. As a matter of school policy, we do not discuss specific safety measures, but you can be assured that we have taken appropriate measures to continue to keep our campus safe.”

Henderson posted bond Tuesday afternoon and is now out of jail.

NBC2 asked Canterbury School if Henderson is still employed after his arrest, but we have not heard back at this time.

Count on NBC2 to provide updates as more information is released.

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Source: NBC2 News