High-speed pursuit suspect evades authorities in L.A. County

May 17, 2023

Officers with the California Highway were in pursuit of a driver wanted for traveling at a high rate of speed in Los Angeles County.

Authorities initiated the pursuit while the driver was on the westbound 91 Freeway, approaching Vermont Avenue.

The suspect was clocked at speeds of 110 miles per hour, while blacking out the vehicle’s headlights. After exiting the freeway, footage from Sky5 showed the suspect again speeding on surfaces, blowing through stoplights and driving erratically.

As the suspect continued to stay on surface streets, officials with CHP pulled out of the pursuit and officers with the Los Angeles Police Department did not immediately pick up the chase.

Pursuit suspect in a white sedan evading authorities in L.A. County.

The suspect was last seen traveling near Angeles Vista Boulevard and Knoll Crest Avenue in View Park with no law enforcement units nearby.

Source: KTLA Los Angeles