PS Store's Gigantic Golden Week Sale Set to Return Very Soon

April 25, 2023

As has become a tradition, it looks like the PS Store will soon host its annual Golden Week sale. The sale typically coincides with Japan's Golden Week holiday — a week consisting of numerous traditional celebrations that begins on the 29th April. As such, it's assumed that this year's PS Store sale will begin in the very near future — either this week or next.

In fact, the US PS Store already has a Golden Week filter, which suggests that the sale is about to become official. Previous Golden Week promotions have focused exclusively on Japanese titles, and these early listings suggest that this year's sale will be no different.

We'll obviously keep you updated on the official announcement, but until then, are there any Japanese PS5 or PS4 games you'd like to see get a discount? Start your own Golden Week celebrations in the comments section below.

Source: Push Square