7 Times Elon Musk, a Remote CEO, Blasted Remote Work

May 20, 2023

Twitter CEO Elon Musk slammed people who work from home in an interview this week and declared the practice was “morally wrong,” despite the fact that, as head of three companies, it is virtually impossible for him to be in three offices at once. He’s the quintessential remote CEO. Although Musk’s comments dominated headlines, they are nothing new.

The billionaire spent the majority of 2022 railing against remote work and insinuating that people who worked at home didn’t work hard. Musk proceeded to turn his words into law at Tesla and SpaceX, which he led at the time, and then later on at Twitter after he officially bought the company in October. In the case of Twitter, Musk threw out the policy enacted by its previous management, which allowed employees to work from home forever.

Yet, Musk’s stance on remote work stands in stark contrast with his behavior. He’s said that those who want to work from home should “pretend to work somewhere else,” but is hardly one to show up at the offices of the companies he runs every day. Instead, you might find him rubbing shoulders with Jared Kushner at the Qatar World Cup or watching the Super Bowl in Rupert Murdoch’s private box.

Click through to read more of Musk’s comments on remote work and decide for yourself whether this is a topic he should be commenting on at all.

Source: Gizmodo