People are just realizing Wi-Fi router settings are killing their browsing speed - fix it in seconds

May 21, 2023

WAITING for websites to buffer or desperately watching the progress of your download is a pain some internet users know all too well.

But it turns out the settings on your Wi-Fi router could be the unlikely culprit that is killing your browsing speed.

2 These five handy tips could help you improve the speed of your broadband Credit: Getty

The good news is, you can fix the glitches in seconds and make the most of the broadband you fork out for.

There is a handy list of tips and tricks to guarantee your gadgets are running at the right speed, according to USA Today.


Firstly, take inventory of the devices hooked up to your connection and ensure they all belong to you or any other household members.

People who don't have a password to protect their Wi-Fi are unwittingly inviting strangers to take advantage of their internet.

Those with simple login credentials that are easy to guess are also prime targets for broadband freeloaders.

So make sure your account is secured by setting up or changing your password, before using tech to track down unknown devices.

Systems such as Wireless Network Watcher or Who Is On My Wi-Fi will do a sweep and show you exactly who is accessing your internet.

Double-check the list and make sure you recognize all the gadgets before booting broadband imposters out.


Another common problem that may make your Wi-Fi sluggish may be where you have placed the router in your home.

They aren't exactly works of art, so it's only natural people probably want to hide them.

But you may be blocking your broadband from working to its full potential if you have chosen a bad spot to stash the router.

It's key to choose the right position for it so Wi-Fi signals can spread equally and easily - meaning cupboards and the floor are off-limits.

Even the router being next to a fish tank, windowsill, radiator or other electric appliances can distort your broadband signal.

Try to position it in a central location that is high up so that it can transmit in any direction and watch your WiFi speed soar.


The internet has solidified its place in daily life and is relied upon for work, pleasure, shopping, and connecting with people and information.

Wi-Fi routers have to try and keep up with these crippling demands, but some people may not be paying for the needed speed to do so.

If your home is full of broadband-draining gadgets, you may need to contact your network provider to increase your bandwidth.

Splashing out on a speedier plan will increase the capacity at which your Wi-Fi can transmit data and make your browsing more efficient.

If you only have a few devices connected and simply surf the internet, a plan with 10Mbps should be sufficient.

But if you want fast high-quality streaming, gaming, or large downloads on a regular basis, you may need up to 500Mbps.


Swapping to a different channel on your router is a straightforward way to boost your Wi-Fi speed without a lot of fuss.

Moving to another one that is less crowded will provide you with an easy escape route from the internet traffic jam.

You can use a Wi-Fi scanner to find out the least used frequency in your area and take advantage of the lack of demand on it.

Apple provides the free Wireless Diagnostics tool for Mac users, but downloading NetSpot Wi-Fi Analyzer will also do the job.

Take a look at the information regarding the Wi-Fi signals close to your home and assess which is utilized the least to advance your internet use.


Sharing with your family members, housemate, or significant other is a fundamental part of cohabitation.

And believe it or not, this also applies to the world of Wi-Fi.

When multiple devices are fighting for a broadband connection, it inevitably eats up your bandwidth and slows the signals down.

Beginning huge downloads while streaming or browsing is also taking place is a recipe for disaster.

So to ensure peace inside your home, why not schedule any big downloads or updates for the early hours while everyone is sleeping?

This will free up the router from its excessive daily demands while allowing each internet user to avoid disruption.

Source: The US Sun