How To Complete The Gisa Crater Crystal in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

May 21, 2023

To unlock Ikatak Shrine in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you must complete the “The Gisa Crater Crystal” Shrine Quest. Similar to the Jinodok Shrine, this Shrine Quest involves searching for a green crystal connected to the sanctum. Once you’ve found it, you must figure out how to take it back to the Shrine’s location. Sometimes, there are multiple ways to solve a Shrine Quest puzzle. However, typically only one or two are the most effective. That said, let’s go over the easiest way to complete “The Gisa Crater Crystal” in TotK.

Where Is the Ikatak Shrine Location in Tears of the Kingdom?

Ikatak Shrine is located on the western side of the Tabantha Frontier region. It sits atop the elevated rise south of Cuho Mountain and west of Nero Hill at the coordinates: -3950, 1138, 0112. Once you’ve found the northern entrance to the Gisa Crater Cave, you’ll likely spot Ikatak Shrine. Interact with the green rune to start the “The Gisa Crater Crystal” Shrine Quest.


How To Unlock Ikatak Shrine in TotK

To complete “The Gisa Crater Crystal” and unlock Unlock Ikatak Shrine in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, follow these steps:

From the Shrine, enter the nearby hole into the Gisa Crater Cave. You’ll encounter two skeletal Bokoblins and two Ice Likes inside the underground hollow. After dealing with the enemies, grab the green crystal and place it under the cave’s opening. Look for two Rockets inside the cavern and attach them to the crystal with your Ultrahand. Ensuring the crystal is pointing upward, strike the Rockets to have them blast off, taking the crystal outside. Use Ascend to exit the Gisa Crater Cave and place the crystal next to the Ikatak Shrine in Tears of the Kingdom .

Naturally, the step-by-step procedure described above is easier said than done, as Ice Likes can be challenging to defeat. To beat them, keep your distance until they open their maws to spew an icy mist. At this moment, use your bow to fire a projectile at their internal eyes to make them vulnerable. As for the Bokoblins, they are relatively easy to defeat; just make sure to break their skull once they’ve fallen.

Suppose you’re struggling to utilize the Rockets to get the crystal out of the cave. In that case, there’s another opening that you can reach by climbing out of the elevated tunnel near some glowing rocks. Be wary of the Bubbulfrog guarding the tunnel, and use a blunt weapon to break through the rocks blocking Gisa Crater Cave’s second entrance. The drawback of this method is that you need to bring the crystal along every step of the way.

Whichever method you choose, returning the crystal to the Shrine will complete the quest “The Gisa Crater Crystal, unlocking Ikatak Shrine in TotK. Enter the Shrine to access Rauru’s Blessing and acquire a Treasure Chest and a Light of Blessing. Open the chest to get a Big Battery. Here’s a video walkthrough by Quick Tips if you’re stumped with using the cave’s Rockets:

Source: The Nerd Stash