April 26, 2023 Horoscopes Feel 'A Bit Negative' For 3 Zodiac Signs

April 26, 2023

On April 26, 2023 three zodiac signs have rough horoscopes because life feels a bit negative. It's hard to think of Jupiter as the bringer of anything but joyful expansion and open-minded generosity, however, on this day, April 26, 2023, Jupiter is put in the awkward situation of being square with the Moon. The transit, Moon square Jupiter, tends to put us in touch with our struggles. Today is the day we may spend a little too much time either feeling sorry for ourselves or overshooting our abilities. We are either over-confident in all the wrong ways, or we are neurotic messes who believe very little in ourselves.

This is an interesting transit as it stirs up the negativity we have ... towards ourselves. That is how this day goes wrong for many, especially for the three zodiac signs in particular. What goes wrong today is that we overdo everything. We make promises that we know ahead of time we can't keep, we lack any kind of discipline and end up paying the price for our arrogance and we act on impulse; as if that could ever make things better.

We might get it into our minds today that if we just take a leap of faith, without thinking things through, we might have it all solved. We believe not thinking things through is somehow the better choice. Heads up: it's not. Today, April 26, 2023, is a day when we have to concentrate before making a decision, so having a transit like Moon square Jupiter is pretty bad news.

Some of us will escape the clutches of impulsive behavior and reckless action ... those who will 'live to tell' are not the zodiac signs mentioned here today. However, many of us are on a course for certain disasters and it's all because, during Moon Square Jupiter, we can't stop ourselves.

We are hellbent on making the wrong choices because, for some reason, we think those choices are right. That's the real deal in willful ignorance, right there. Which zodiac signs will fight for the right to be as wrong as they can be? Let's go over this now.

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

Today, April 26, 2023, may put you into a compromised position of having to defend yourself. You feel wrongly accused of something, and that might be something as small as having someone tell you that you are slacking or not coming up with your end of the bargain.

During the transit of Moon square Jupiter, you will be so hasty with your reaction to this criticism that you will snap a little too hard at the person 'who dares' to confront you, and by the time the day is over, neither one of you will know who is right or wrong or why you both bothered to go so far. You are hyper-sensitive today and that will lead to you making rash decisions and assumptions. Therein lies the real danger, Cancer: you assume too much. Assumptions are not reality-based. You need to step back and think before you act.

2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

There's no secret here that when we discover that to be liked, we will lie. You do have this in you, Leo, this needs to be adored no matter what, and on this day, April 25, 2023, during the transit of Moon square Jupiter, you will pretend to be something you are not.

We call that misleading, and that's what you're going to do with someone on this day. This is because you want this person's love and respect causing you to show them a side of you that doesn't exist in real life. You will lie about something just to make this person like you. You don't care about consequences and you don't see them coming anyway. You are ready to take the chance because you feel as though you can control the situation ... and the outcome. This day allows you to indulge in the fantasy where you are never discovered. Heads up: that's not going to work.

3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

What your problem today, Sagittarius, is that you are so overly confident you come off as arrogant. You don't mean to, and on some level, you believe that you are being helpful. The problem with your style of helpfulness is that you tend to think you're some kind of messiah; you expect everyone to follow your lead because you believe in yourself to such a degree that you can't see how wrong or off base you are on this day, April 26, 2023.

During the transit of Moon square Jupiter, you will be at your height of overconfidence, and you won't see the forest for the trees, so to speak. You will lead people into disastrous situations because you have charmed them into believing that you are the expert and they must listen to you. In your blind love for your opinion, you will end up destroying someone else's chances. It's not intentional, but it is destructive.

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

Source: YourTango