How To Get The Space Fox 2250 Prop Key in Dead Island 2

April 26, 2023

Have you been trying to find the Space Fox 2250 Prop Key in Dead Island 2? A ton of lockboxes in the game require specific keys to access. While some of the keys required for these boxes are hidden in the world, others are strapped to zombies. To open the Space Fox 2250 Prop lockbox, you need the prop key, which could be anywhere. You will need to traverse the movie lot, searching from high to low for the zombie responsible for the key to this crate. This guide will show you how to get the Space Fox 2250 Prop Key in Dead Island 2.

Where to find the Space Fox 2250 Prop lockbox in Dead Island 2

As you progress through Dead Island 2, you will come across many lockboxes. Each area has multiple of these chests for you to open and gather loot from. To find the Space Fox 2250 Prop lockbox, you must make it to the Monarch Studios portion of the game. Once there, progress through the map until you reach studio three. Instead of heading into the building, head to the end of the road where studio one is on the map. You will find the lockbox on the opposite side of the road from the building under an awning. The chest itself is bright red and orange, making it difficult to miss.


Where to find the Space Fox 2250 Prop Key in Dead Island 2

Similar to finding the Space Fox 2250 Prop lockbox, you must head to Monarch Studios to find the key. However, you will need to wait until you have completed the Monarch Studios section of the game before the zombie with the key will appear. Once the section of the game has been cleared, fast-travel back to Monarch Studios. When you arrive, head back to the area where you found the lockbox. After reaching the lockbox, hang a right and go down Save the Cat Walk. This will lead you past sound stage four. Continue down the road to the point where you run into the gate.

When you reach the gate, you should see a normal zombie named “Space Fox Prop Master.” While this is a normal zombie, they will be a runner, so make sure you aren’t caught off guard. When the prop master is defeated, they will drop the key needed to open the Space Fox 2250 Prop lockbox.

Dead Island 2 is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

Source: The Nerd Stash