Poll: Goats Or Lizards? What Do You Think Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom's Zonai Look Like?

May 23, 2023

Before Tears of the Kingdom revealed one in the flesh, we were firmly Team Lizard. The reptile touches appear in all of the tribe's iconography, TOTK's ouroboros logo seemed to hint at it, and, let's admit it, the Zelda series has not historically shied away from lizard-like beings (Lizalfos, Tokay). But then the game came out and, oh... they're hairy.

If it has been a while since you last saw a TOTK cutscene, then here's a little refresher on what the tribe looks like up close:

Now, the majority of us are very much in the goat camp. The little beards, the big ears, the general goaty-ness of the facial structure. It's not what we were expecting, but it's what we've got.

And yet there are still some out there who view these mythical beings as being closer in appearance to lizards — the long face and horns on the forehead could stand in for both answers, to be fair, and bearded dragons are a thing, we suppose.

Still don't believe that this is even a real question? You can find the two sides of the debate represented in the following tweets:

the zonai are goats right. please tell me they’re supposed to be goats — eso sean reebok o sean nike (@_deluxedition) May 14, 2023

So which one is it? Frankly, we don't know, but we'd be curious to see which side of the debate you lovely Zelda fans fall on. Fill out the following poll to have your say in what we're sure will be one of the great gaming discussions of all... week.

What do you think TOTK's Zonai look like? Goats Lizards A bit of both Something else (comment below) What do you think TOTK's Zonai look like? (747 votes) Goats 73 % Lizards 2 % A bit of both 20 % Something else (comment below) 5 %

Do you have a specific reason for your answer to The Big Question? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Nintendo Life