Jane Fonda Says Robert Redford 'Has an Issue With Women'

May 27, 2023

Jane Fonda did not mince her words while discussing her former costar Robert Redford in Cannes.

According to Deadline, Fonda said Redford "did not like to kiss" and was "always in a bad mood."

They've worked together on four movies, including the 2017 romantic drama "Our Souls at Night."

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Jane Fonda opened up about working with Robert Redford during a sit-down conversation at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival on Friday, saying Redford "did not like to kiss," Deadline reported.

Fonda, 85, and Redford, 86, have starred opposite each other in four films — the first of which, "The Chase," premiered in 1966.

More recently, Fonda and Redford costarred in Netflix's 2017 romantic drama "Our Souls at Night," which saw the pair play a widow and widower who spark a deep connection, according to IMDB.

However loved-up the actors may have appeared onscreen in the past, Fonda said things weren't quite the same behind the scenes.

Robert Redford and Jane Fonda in a promotional portrait. Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images

"He did not like to kiss," Fonda said. "I never said anything to him about it. And he's always in a bad mood, and I always thought it was my fault. He's a very good person. He just has an issue with women."

Despite not exactly mincing her words about Redford, Fonda did share some love for her former costar in the same conversation at Cannes, Vulture reported.

According to the outlet, Fonda said she was "in love with him" during three of the four films they made together.

"I had a really good time," she said, despite believing his bad mood was her fault. However, that all changed when they filmed "Our Souls at Night."

"What was I, about 80 years old, or something like that," she said, "I knew I was finally grown up, because when he'd come on to the set three hours late in a bad mood, I knew it wasn't my fault. We always had a good time. He's a very good person."

Representatives for Fonda and Redford did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Insider, made outside normal working hours.

Source: Insider