Taylor Swift Settles Age-Old New Jersey Food Debate, As Governor Proclaims New Sandwich In Her Honor

May 27, 2023

Taylor Swift may be the official answer to New Jersey’s biggest breakfast sandwich debate.

For years, dating back to the Civil War, Garden State residents have fought over whether the meat in the state’s favorite egg-cheese breakfast sandwich is called Taylor ham or pork roll. Even President Barack Obama took note of the issue several years ago when he spoke at Rutgers Universrity as a graduation keynote.

Now, NJ Gov. Phil Murphy may have brought peace to the valley. In honor of Taylor Swift’s shows at MetLife Stadium in the Meadowlands, Murphy has declared the “Taylor Swift ham, egg and cheese” as the official state sandwich.

“In New Jersey, we have a reputation for a great war between Taylor ham and pork roll,” Murphy said in a video message on Twitter.

“Usually, we let you call it what you want, but since we have a superstar coming to town, we know ‘All Too Well’ that we should commemorate the occasion,” Murphy declared in a tweet.

Swift has not responded to the news of her new sandwich status as of yet. Nor has she written a song about it.

Source: Deadline