North Carolina high school students pour cement in toilets as a 'senior prank'

May 27, 2023

A group of North Carolina students landed themselves in hot water after they poured cement into toilets at their high school as part of a “senior prank.”

The Alamance-Burlington School System announced Friday it has launched an investigation into the stunt at Williams High School that caused thousands of dollars in damages.

Sometime Thursday night, the students broke into the school in Burlington and poured the mix into a number of toilets and urinals, according to the district.

Photos of the evidence obtained by WGHP shows toilets, now unattached from plumbing, filled with a thick, gray layer of cement in the bowl. One toilet bowl had tennis balls inside it.

It total, the damages cost more than $4,000.

While the case may be tough to crack, the district warned that “those responsible will be potentially charged and suspended.”

The school district said students “gained entry” into the high school overnight Thursday. Alamance-Burlington School System/Facebook

If those caught are seniors, they can flush their hopes of participating in their graduation ceremonies down the drain, the district said.

ABSS said it is also investigating senior prank incidents in all of its five other high schools.

Students ransacked classrooms, sprayed graffiti and threw eggs, among other acts of vandalism the district said. Maintenance crews were cleaning up the messes on Friday.

“We believe in celebrating milestones in a responsible and respectful way, without crossing the line and causing harm or damage,” the district said.

Source: New York Post