Final issue of Street Fighter 6 comic highlights new potential DLC character

May 27, 2023

The fourth and final issue of the Street Fighter 6 "Days of the Eclipse" comic series is now available as we get our exciting conclusion to some of the events leading up to the story that will play out in the latest Street Fighter entry.

Days of the Eclipse generally serves to introduce new big bad guy, JP, and tell the tale of Ken Masters as he's moved from billionaire businessman with a family to more of an on the run vagrant. There are a few other notable character that pop up, however, and one of them stands out as a potential DLC inductee for Street Fighter 6's future.

If you'd like to read the comics spoiler free, you can do so by visiting the Street Fighter 6 comic page where you'll find all four for free. We'll be sharing some spoilage for the pre-story in the following text, so be sure you're caught up before continuing.

In the first issue we are officially introduced to Johan "JP" Petrovich, who is a high status businessman putting on a world tournament in the fictional country of Nayshall. As we noted above (and as we all know from much of the SF6 content that's come out over the last few months) JP is the new antagonist replacing the likes of M. Bison, Gill, and/or Seth for this chapter of the Street Fighter story.

The Psycho Power wielding old man isn't alone when we encounter him, however, as he's got a secretary named Kalima who aids him in putting together the event and tending to higher priority needs.

Though she's first shown helping JP, it doesn't take long for the writers to reveal to us that Kalima prioritizes the safety and well being of the people of Nayshall, and worries that selfish motives behind the tournament will actually cause more harm than good to the people.

After Ken is set up to look like a terrorist responsible for a massive attack on Nayshall, he winds up in a tight spot as he's pursued by Luke. At the last moment, Kalima appears and saves Ken, (though she takes a bullet in the shoulder for her trouble) getting him to safety and eventually explaining how she's secretly working against JP.

She actually shows up again in issue four and gets stabbed with a knife by JP for betraying him, though we don't believe for a second she's dead.

She's now a heavily invested character who has seen her fair share of physical altercations, and certainly echoes the likes of Kolin/Helen, the secretary character from Street Fighters 3 and 5 who eventually became a playable fighter, herself.

Capcom also choose to put Kalima on the front cover of the first issue of Days of the Eclipse, further highlighting her importance as a character.

We know that Kalima isn't part of the first round of DLC characters for Street Fighter 6, but wouldn't be at all surprised to see her make an eventual appearance on the game's playable roster. What do you think though? Do you feel Kalima has a decent shot at being SF6 DLC, and do would you be interested in playing her if she did indeed make it?

Source: EventHubs