How To Repair Your Noisy Garage Door (Your Neighbors Will Thank You)

May 28, 2023

How To Repair Your Noisy Garage Door (Your Neighbors Will Thank You)

Raising your garage door only to hear rattles and squeaks is no way to begin and end a day, may it be for you or those once peacefully residing nearby. Your first instinct may lead you to a professional to solve the issue, but it could just as easily be a DIY project given the right circumstance. The first step in making that determination is cueing your ears into the kind of noise echoing about your garage.

Though it may simply sound like an annoyance at first, the racket coming from your garage door can actually serve as a beacon. A squeak or a squeal, for example, likely means one of the door's moving parts needs to be oiled. A rattling or vibrating sound may indicate a few nuts and bolts have become loose. The motor needs attention if it's producing a straining sound, and the door needs assistance if it's banging about. Every noise indicates something different. If you want to attempt the repair on your own, put your ears to work before your hands.

Source: House Digest