Sarah Tzivia Niselevich, 3, OBM

May 28, 2023

Sarah Tzivia Niselevich, the young daughter of Rabbi Menachem Mendel and Chaya Mushka Niselevich, Shluchim in S. Paulo, Brazil, passed away on Shavuos. Full Story

Sarah Tzivia Niselevich, the young daughter of Rabbi Menachem Mendel and Chaya Mushka Niselevich of S. Paulo, Brazil, passed away on Shavuos.

She was nearly 4 years old.

Rabbi and Mrs. Niselevich serve as Shluchim to the Israeli community in S. Paulo, and Rabbi Niselevich serves as a Mashpia in the Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva in S. Paulo.

The levaya will take place today at 1 PM in S. Paulo.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

Source: COLlive