3 Zodiac Signs Feel Extremely Lucky In Love This Week Starting May 29 - June 4, 2023

May 29, 2023

Opening this week up with Sun trine Moon certainly doesn't hurt our chances much in the love department, and we may find that all of May 29 - June 4, 2023, comes with sweet surprises for the three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love — and the bold in speech. We're looking at a week that requires some thinking here. While we can get away with acting on instinct, several astrological transits imply we'll need to resort to our intellect to make the right moves. What's nice is that there are many 'right moves' to be made, and luck is in our corner for three zodiac signs.

Halfway through the week, we'll be experiencing the phenomena that come with Venus trine Neptune, which means that our positive thoughts of love can manifest if we focus hard enough and intend with all our hearts. We can make our dreams come true during the week of May 29 - June 4, and because round about that time, we also have the Moon trine Venus to add to the good feeling.

We can't escape the beauty of love this week, and honestly, who would want to? Adding to our good fortune is the bold full Moon in Sagittarius, which will let us know that it's now or never: we need to grab this chance, or we will blow it. Because of the powerful positive energy that accompanies us throughout the week, we who are most influenced by this transit will grab it.

With our week ending on a high note, we'll be able to use the power that comes off of the transit Mercury conjunct Uranus to help us to laugh about it all. By week's end, we'll have gone through much emotion, and while all of it will be good and hopefully very loving, we may need a break just to get giddy and laugh it out. The entire week culminates in light laughter and a general feeling of security and love.

Three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love this week:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

What you may feel during the week of May 20 - June 4, 2023, is similar to relief. While nothing is really all that different in your life, there is one thing you may notice, and it will help your life out: your love life is ... carefree. Hmm, how did that happen? You are so used to the hustle and bustle of an emotionally charged-up romance that when you finally get a break, as you will during this week, you can hardly believe it's your life.

And yet, it is, and the 'break' we are discussing here isn't about separating from your partner. It's about being closer to them without the drama the two of you have been keeping up with for years. This week allows you to see each other through a different lens; what was it all for, if not to get to this place? You are calm, and you feel easygoing. It's as if your relationship has finally entered the realm of 'healthy,' that has to come as good news to you, Leo.

2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

This week will have you feeling so grateful for what you have, and while you are generally very grateful, there's a new note to your romantic relationship that surprises you. This week will have you seeing something in your partner that you didn't know was there, or rather, you suspected they had it in them but figured it was too late to cultivate.

Your partner seems to have mellowed into being someone who is now very supportive of you. This means that this week gives you certain freedoms ... you can very easily speak your mind now. You can also feel free enough not to have to pay attention to your partner around the clock. It's as if the relationship has reached a new level, and the two of you feel so secure in each other's love that the worry and insecurity just melt away. It's as if you've stepped into a new version of your love, which works for you, Virgo.

3. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

Falling back in love with your partner is probably the last thing you thought you'd ever do, and yet, lo and behold, it takes place from May 29 through June 4, 2023. This is an exciting and lucky week for you, as it allows you to figure out if any of this is real or if this 'new loving attitude' is a figment of your imagination.

It's as if you and this person you've been with have finally ended your rope with each other. Then, like a blast of lightning, you both suddenly wake up from the nightmare and realize you are each other's hope. While that sounds poetic, the truth is that love sometimes creates a very poetic and mysterious circumstance. During this week, the transits line up to bring you and your long-lived lover back into each other's sarms, which is the last thing you ever thought would happen. Now, that's lucky in love.

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

Source: YourTango