Mark Rober uses jumbotron to shame texting drivers at San Jose Sharks game

May 29, 2023

Mark Rober, renowned for his anti-theft GlitterBombs, showed up at a San Jose Sharks hockey game to deliver a public service announcement. The clip starts with him saying, "We're about to make some people real famous in here." He is then shown on the jumbotron announcing that texting and driving is "super dangerous." But it doesn't stop there, he then puts a big spotlight on fans who were covertly filmed texting and driving as they arrived at the game. Each offender's video gets displayed on the jumbotron with their live reaction. Brutal!

The video was posted on the Discovery Channel's TikTok page with the caption, "Maybe after getting called out on the jumbotron, they will think twice about texting and driving!"

Also known as "Shark" Rober for hosting the Discovery Channel's Shark Week last year, this clip is a promo for his new revenge-prank show, Mark Rober's Revengineers.

Mark Rober, former NASA engineer and current Apple engineer, created a viral glitter prank to serve justice to doorstep delivery thieves. Join him and his team, Allen, Estefannie, and Thea as they set the bait and wait to take down the morally impaired.

"Morally impaired"–love it!

Source: Boing Boing