19-Year Old Woman Was Unconscious When She Won Gloucester Cheese Race

May 31, 2023

The winner of this year's Gloucester cheese rolling race was unconscious by the time she crossed the finish line.

Delaney Irving, who won the women's race, found out she won when she woke up in the medical tent, per CBS.

The winner of the mad dash down a steep, 200-yard hill, gets to keep the wheel of cheese.

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The Canadian teenager who won the UK's coveted cheese rolling race down a perilously sloped hill on Sunday lost consciousness before she tumbled past the finish line.

According to CBS News, 19-year-old Delaney Irving won the women's Gloucester cheese rolling competition on Sunday, a 200-year tradition where contestants chase a wheel of cheese down an almost-vertical hill in Gloucester, located in southwest England.

As gravity takes its toll, contestants tumble and catapult down the hill, and this year's winner, Irving, was knocked out by a fall as she rolled past the finish line. She said that she found out that she was the winner after waking up in the medical tent.

—Greatest Hits Radio Gloucester (@GHRGloucester) May 29, 2023

"I just remember hitting my head, I remember hurting, and then I remember waking up in the tent," Irving said after the race, per CBS News.

The winner of the mad dash down the 200-yard hill gets to keep the wheel of cheese, which is a 7-9 pound roll of Double Gloucester. Hundreds of onlookers gather at the sides of the hill to watch on, and the contestants do not need to pay an entry fee.

According to The Washington Post, rugby players line up at the base of the hill to catch contestants as they torpedo down the hill. The hill is notorious for leaving contestants with injuries like broken bones and sprains, per the Post.

Source: Insider