Twilight Armor location in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

May 31, 2023

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is arguably the pinnacle of the long-running Nintendo franchise, but the developers made sure to include a throwback to 2006’s Twilight Princess for those of you who long for a time when series protagonist Link was a furry: the Twilight Armor.

Full disclosure: Tears of the Kingdom’s aptly named Twilight Armor doesn’t give you the ability to transform into a wolf. I know, I know, boo hiss. But! It is very stylish. Whatever you may think of Twilight Princess as a game, you gotta admit Link was absolutely dripped out during that bizarre adventure.

In Tears of the Kingdom, you can unlock the Twilight Armor via amiibo. While the randomness and once-a-day limit to amiibo scanning can be frustrating, this may be your best option if you’re still early in the game or otherwise ill equipped for obtaining the Twilight armor under your own auspices. The trials and tribulations leading to each piece — the Cap of Twilight, Tunic of Twilight, and Trousers of Twilight — can be difficult depending on when and how you decide to tackle them.

Twilight Armor head piece location

Tears of the Kingdom’s Cap of Twilight is by far the most difficult of the three to grab for one huge reason: It’s guarded by a King Gleeok. And no, you can’t just run into the monstrous creature’s cave, steal the hat, and bounce; you need to kill the damn thing before the chest holding the garment unlocks.

But first things first. If you haven’t spent much time exploring the underground depths, the quickest route to where the Cap of Twilight is being hoarded starts on the surface. Head to Typhlo Ruins Skyview Tower north of the Lost Woods (you know, the place with the giant talking tree) and let the contraption fire you into the sky. Once you’re back in control, orient yourself southwest toward the giant hole emanating malevolent energy. It’s hard to miss.

After you plunge into the chasm and find safe footing in the darkness, your destination is just a short trip northeast to the Gleeok Den. If you feel like illuminating the area first instead of relying on Brightbloom Seeds to light your path, you have a few options: Nikakik Lightroot to the southwest (it’s in a small valley so you’ll need to be prepared to climb back out if you go this route), Katenin Lightroot directly north of Gleeok Den, or Uukukis Lightroot to the southeast. You can also use the map to fast travel to any of these locations if you’ve already found them to save yourself some time.

As for defeating King Gleeok, well, that’s easier said than done. If you thought the regular, surface-based dragons were bad, just wait until you face off against a Gleeok drenched in gloom and wielding multiple elements. Our guide on defeating a King Gleeok can help you prepare for this intense battle. Good luck!

Twilight Armor chest piece location

Thankfully, the other two pieces of the Twilight Armor doesn’t require such an involved process.

Reaching the Tunic of Twilight is a matter of jumping into the chasm southeast of Sinatanika Shrine in the surface world’s Akkala Highlands or fast traveling to Akinatanis Lightroot in the Depths. Either way, your ultimate destination, Rist Mine, will be to the southeast. The biggest danger you’ll face here is an Obsidian Frox, but there’s no need to fight it if you’re not ready. Just give the giant frog a wide berth and be on your way.

Rist Mine is a large spiraling tunnel filled with all manner of nasty but low-level creatures, including Bokoblins, Moblins, and packs of Little Frox. And while it may seem prudent to rush through the cavern en route to your treasure, I encourage you to take your time. The enemies are generally easy to ward off and there’s an opportunity to mine massive amounts of Zonaite, which you can then use to expand the battery that powers all of your contraptions.

It may seem like Rist Mine goes on forever, but you’ll eventually reach the end. Don’t expect any surprises, however, just an inconspicuous chest holding the Tunic of Twilight.

Twilight Armor legs piece location

And if you thought that was anticlimactic, the quest for the Trousers of Twilight may just put you to sleep.

The beginning of the journey is much like the other armor pieces. Discover or fast travel to Domizuin Shrine in the Akkala Highlands, then travel southeast for your date with yet another menacing chasm.

Additionally, you can make your way to Niuzimod Lightroot in the Depths.

Either way, the next step is a short jaunt northward towards the Ancient Underground Fortress.

This small castle is full of monsters, but nothing that should give you too much trouble. The fleet-footed Lizalfos can be annoying, especially when you’re being attacked from the air by Arrocuda, but the biggest hazard (both literally and figuratively) is the portly Blue Bokoblin Boss patrolling the grounds. Not up for a fight? Simply skydive into the fortress, grab the Trousers of Twilight, and fast travel out of there before anyone notices.

Well would you look at that: all three pieces of the Twilight Armor set! Sure, they only give a measly +9 defense (before upgrades, of course) without any additional bonuses when combined, but at least you look cool. And isn’t that really all that matters?

Once you’ve found all three pieces of the Twilight Armor, consult our list of all armor sets and set bonuses to see what to find next, or check out our recommendations for the best armor.

Source: Polygon