Why are my allergies so bad right now?

June 01, 2023

CLEVELAND (WJW) – Allergy season is hitting hard for many people across Northeast Ohio right now.

The forecast is near perfect for Affordable Fencing in Parma, except for the workers with seasonal allergies.

“We are in the yards all the time. We are in the bushes, we have to cut the bushes down and a lot of my guys have bad allergies,” said owner Cory Ward.

Northeast Ohio’s spell of sunshine and warm temperatures may be wonderful, but thousands of pollen sufferers have reason to complain.

“There was tons of pollen flying through the air, piles of it back there,” said job foreman Edward Hess.

So, why are allergies so bad this year?

“The tree pollen counts are high, the grass pollen counts are high,” said Dr. Lily Pien, an allergy specialist with the Cleveland Clinic.

Pien said the mix of the two are setting off sneezing attacks, watery eyes, congestion and fatigue.

“Instead of getting any relief with some rain that helps bring the counts down, people are getting bombarded every single day,” said Pien.

And there’s little relief in sight. Doctors say pollen has the perfect flight conditions with sunny

skies and even warmer temperatures predicted over the weekend.

“Some of the trees are still blooming, so I don’t know if it will decrease until all the trees have bloomed out and the grass pollen drops, which does not usually occur until later in the summer,” said Pien.

Pien recommends OTC allergy medications, along with nasal antihistamine sprays and nasal irrigation devices.

She also recommends keeping windows closed and air conditioners on.

Source: WJW FOX 8 News Cleveland