Salvation Army giving free donuts for National Donut Day

June 01, 2023

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – The central Arkansas command of the Salvation Army is going big for National Donut Day.

Salvation Army officials said they will be giving away free donuts and coffee from their canteen at the intersection of Capitol Avenue and Main Street starting at 7:45 a.m. on Friday.

The annual event commemorates the selfless service and dedication of The Salvation Army volunteers, known as “Donut Lassies,” who provided comfort and sustenance to soldiers during World War I.

“We invite the entire community to join us on this special occasion as we pay tribute to the rich history of The Salvation Army & National Donut Day,” said Major Bill Mockabee, Area Commander of the Central Arkansas Area Command.

“Our canteen will be stocked with delicious donuts and freshly brewed coffee, and we are thrilled to share these treats with everyone in a spirit of gratitude and unity,” Mockabee continued. “We would like to thank our friends at Downtown Little Rock Partnership Program for hosting us at the area of Capitol & Main for another year.”

To learn more about the Salvation Army Central Arkansas Command, visit

Source: KARK