Dashcam Footage Shows a Missile Narrowly Missing a Moving Car in Kyiv

June 01, 2023

Dashcam footage obtained by Reuters shows a missile narrowly missing a car in Kyiv on Monday.

It is unclear if anyone was injured in the attack.

Russia fired around 11 ballistic and cruise missiles at the Ukrainian capital on Monday.

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Dashcam footage shows the moment part of a missile narrowly missed a moving car in Kyiv, Ukraine.

The timestamp in the dashcam footage, first obtained by Reuters, reveals that the debris hit the busy road at 11:22 am on Monday.

The almost 10-second clip shows a long missile colliding with a line attached to traffic lights over a busy, multi-lane road. It narrowly misses a white car.

After the impact, the car continues to drive. The debris flied into the windshield of the vehicle behind it. It is unclear if anyone was hurt.

You can watch the full video here:

The incident occurred on the same day that Ukrainian officials said they shot down Russian 11 cruise and ballistic missiles across the capital.

Kyiv has continued to be the subject of Russian missile attacks in recent weeks.

In another overnight attack in the eastern Desnyanskyi and Dniprovskyi districts Wednesday, three people —including an 11-year-old girl — died, regional police said, according to the BBC.

Experts believe Russia has ramped up its attacks ahead of a long-expected counter-offensive, which the Ukrainian government has been planning for months, the BBC reported.

Source: Business Insider