Kim Jong Un Weighs Over 300 Pounds and Has Severe Insomnia: Report

June 01, 2023

A South Korean lawmaker says AI estimates that Kim Jong Un weighs about 300 pounds.

The North Korean dictator lives a secretive life, and news about his health is often not shared.

Kim also appears to have "severe" insomnia, the lawmaker said.

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A South Korean lawmaker says artificial intelligence has estimated that Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, weighs over 300 pounds and has a "severe" sleeping disorder.

Yoo Sang-bum, a member of South Korea's parliamentary intelligence committee, told reporters on Wednesday that his country has been using artificial intelligence to approximate the weight of the North's dictator, Reuters reported.

The highly secretive northern country does not typically share information about the health of its leaders, and even Kim's age is not confirmed, though he is believed to be 39 years old, according to Reuters.

"[Kim] appeared tired with clear dark circles around his eyes during his public appearance on May 16, and was estimated to weigh over 140 kilograms [308 lbs] according to AI analysis," Yoo said at Wednesday's press briefing, Reuters reported. It's estimated that Kim is about 5 foot 8 inches tall, according to The New York Post.

Yoo also said it's believed that Kim has a "severe" sleeping disorder, because the northern country has been extensively researching insomnia treatments for its top official, according to an intelligence report, Reuters reported.

Yoo said that Kim has also been "engaging in excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption," according to The New York Post. He said that it has created a "vicious cycle" which has worsened his apparent sleeping disorder, the New York Post reported Yoo saying.

Source: Business Insider