Horoscope for Friday, 6/02/23 by Christopher Renstrom

June 02, 2023

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ARIES. (March 20 - April 19): Go ahead and accept the olive branch - no matter how wispy. It's still an apology of a sorts.

TAURUS. (April 20 - May 20): How do you talk to a loved one on the brink of a disastrous decision? The same way you wish someone would have spoken to you when you felt afraid and unsupported.

GEMINI. (May 21 - June 20): Time to drop the fork (metaphorically speaking) and to meet under the table for an off-the-record conversation. You need to know if you're on the same page.

CANCER. (June 21 - July 21): Your ability to read a client's mood has gotten you to where you are. Now it's time to make the big ask.

LEO. (July 22 - Aug. 22): Careful flying to the rescue of a sibling or friend because you could land in hot water. Offer advice and support from a safe distance.

VIRGO. (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): You surprise everyone by handing a juicy assignment to a co-worker. Temporary insanity? Maybe. Or the dawning realization that there's more than enough opportunity to go around.

LIBRA. (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22): Venus trine Neptune today makes you irresistible. Word to the wise? Don't lead anyone on for the sake of leading them on or you could get stung.

SCORPIO. (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): Skip the blame game. The only way out of a tight corner is to join forces with that person who messed up.

SAGITTARIUS. (Nov. 22 - Dec. 20): Let yourself float along the current of events. You may find that whatever you're grappling with becomes infinitely more manageable.

CAPRICORN. (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19): You don't like it when the line between yours and mine gets fuzzy, but don't get too fussy. The other person is being extremely generous.

AQUARIUS. (Jan. 20 - Feb. 17): Be wary. Generosity of spirit could lead you to forgive prematurely or to welcome prodigal types back into your life before they've sampled their just desserts.

PISCES. (Feb. 18 - March 19): Put your unfathomable imagination to work and you'll find ways to swim under and/or around the barrier that stands in your way.

Source: SFGATE