Diablo 4: All Altars of Lilith Locations in Scosglen

June 04, 2023

Diablo 4's massive map contains five major locations. Each of these locations will have their own Waypoints, strongholds, World Bosses, and quests. Each location will also have a collection of Altars of Lilith, each with its own reward for finding and interacting with it. In the Sanctuary region of Scosglen, there are 34 of these Altars, and each one is worth picking up. If players want to collect all the stat upgrades and the boost to the total number of Murmuring Obols they can hold, they will want as many of these as possible.


What are Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4?

Altars of Lilith are small statues of the Demon Lilith that are scattered around Sanctuary. When players interact with them, each one will give them a different kind of bonus, either to a core stat or their capacity for obols. While Altars of Lilith will not reset every season, their bonuses are permanent and account-wide, allowing for all new characters to also have a massive stat boost in the beginning, making leveling much faster. Here are all the possible boosts from Altars:

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+8 to Max HP

+2 to the Diablo 4 Core Stat called Strength

+2 Dexterity

+2 Willpower

+2 Intelligence

+5 to the total number of obols a character can hold

All Altar of Lilith Locations in Diablo 4's Scosglen

In order to get every one of the 34 Altars in Scosglen, players will need to scour the whole Diablo 4 map. Here are the Altar location and the buff they give.

Altar of Lilith 1: Greenglen Meadows

Just south of Cerrigar, there is a little offshoot of the main path; this is where players can find this Altar.

Reward: +2 Strength

Altar of Lilith 2: Wealaf Rise

Near the fort in this area, look for a house structure. The Altar will be inside; players will not be able to see it until they step inside the building.

Reward: +2 Dexterity

Altar of Lilith 3: The Unhallowed Pit

This Altar is well hidden; it is located hidden in the trees and surrounded by a bunch of Kahzra.

Reward: +2 Dexterity

Altar of Lilith 4: Wraithstead

Just northwest of the entrance to the Oldstone Dungeon in Diablo 4, this Altar should be pretty easy to find.

Reward: +2 Strength

Altar of Lilith 5: The Great Northern Plains

Look for this Altar southwest of the Under the Fat Goose Inn. It's fairly easy to see while walking nearby.

Reward: +2 Strength

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 6: Laglend Fen

If players leave west out of Eldhaime's Demon's Wake entrance during the story quest, it will be right off the road.

Reward: +2 Willpower

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 7: Outlaws Grove

This statue of Lilith is located in the midst of the bandit camp, even further to the west of the previous Altar near Eldhaime.

Reward: +2 Willpower

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 8: The Ancient Woods

This Altar is directly south of the entrance to Tur Dulra.

Reward: +2 Intelligence

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 9: The Ancient Woods

There is a cave at the southwesternmost part of The Ancient Woods, near the transition point between the Ancient Woods and the Kotama Grasslands in the Dry Steppes. It's pretty well hidden, so players must be on the lookout.

Reward: +2 Dexterity

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 10: Shadow Wood

If players leave the northwest exit out of Cerrigar while leveling in Diablo 4, head to the west until coming to the cliff; the Altar is there.

Reward: +2 Intelligence

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 11: The Witan Wolds

Head northwest from the Firebreak Manor; it is located in a clearing.

Reward: +2 Dexterity

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 12: Old Forest Clearing

South across the bridge from the Howling Warren, there is a nook off to the side along the road in the clearing.

Reward: +2 Dexterity​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 13: The Ancient Woods

This Altar is located on the very easternmost border of the Deep Forest near one of the Tur Dular's edges. It is located to the immediate west of the Duin Carr event location.

Reward: +2 Dexterity

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 14: Writhing Brook

Head to the south of Marowen to find this Altar near the river.

Reward: +2 Dexterity

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 15: Gloom Pine Pass

When leaving the Under the Fat Goose Inn Scosglen Waypoint in Diablo 4, head to the east. There is a path through the woods. Look for a nook behind a giant rock; it's a little challenging to see it.

Reward: +2 Strength

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 16: Maddux Hill

Head east from the Maddoz Watch Dungeon Entrance; the statue will be located on a fairly obvious little cliff.

Reward: +2 Intelligence

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 17: Dead Forest

This Diablo 4 Altar is directly east out of the Hive Dungeon; keep following the path east until there is a big, bent tree.

Reward: +2 Willpower

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​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 18: Dead Forest

This Altar is just southeast of the Whispering Pines entrance; players heading to this dungeon should be able to see it clearly along the path.

Reward: +2 Strength

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 19: The Withered Scrubs

If players head west from the Whispering Pines and keep to the northern edge of the rock walls, this Altar will be along that path.

Reward: +2 Strength

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 20: The Daudur Peats

This Altar is located south of the bloody paths that appear red on the map, to the east of Tirmair.

Reward: +2 Intelligence

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 21: The Blood Vale

In the southernmost part of the bloody paths, there is a path all the way to the southwest. Look for the dead end of the map.

Reward: +2 Willpower

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 22: Ancestor Heights

This area only becomes accessible during Act 2 of Diablo 4's story quest called Encroaching Shadows.

Reward: +2 Intelligence

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 23: Wailing Coast

Look to the east of the Penitent Cairns dungeon entrance.

Reward: +2 Strength

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 24: Razor Shoals

This Altar is just north of Corbach's Waypoint.

Reward: +2 Strength

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 25: Torvstrath

Head north and west from Luban's Rest; players will find a little hut. The Statue is inside this building, but it can't be seen from the outside of the house.

Reward: +2 Willpower

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 26: Bronagh

Look right next to the entrance of the Raethwind Wilds.

Reward: +2 Willpower

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 27: Fiabre

This Altar is directly west of the Twisted Hollow; it's located at the top of a rocky hilltop.

Reward: +2 Willpower

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 28: Moordaine Lodge

This is inside the Moordaine Lodge Stronghold in Diablo 4, but players don't have to complete it to get this Altar. Just head inside, get the Altar, then duck out.

Reward: +2 Willpower

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 29: Loch Raeth

Head north out of Tirmair. Hug the southern wall along the river until the Altar comes into view.

Reward: +2 Strength

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 30: The Old Mine Works

Head west and a little south of the Calibel's Mine dungeon entrance. It's covered by a little roof, but players should still be able to see it coming through this area.

Reward: +2 Intelligence

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 31: Stormbreak Cove

Head northeast from the Sunken Ruins along the coast. This one can be pretty difficult to find; make sure to scour the coast for this Altar.

Reward: +2 Strength

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 32: The Cursed Scarps

If players are leaving Hope's Light, head east. Hug the northernmost coast of the Northshore and continue east until this Altar is found.

Reward: +2 Dexterity

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 33: The Cursed Bay

This Altar is inside Hope's Light. After jumping over the sail with the winch, head to the second boat. Get the second winch to unlock the jump point to get this Altar on the easternmost part of Hope's Light.

Reward: +2 Strength

​​​​​​​Altar of Lilith 34: Tur Dulra

This one is inside the stronghold, but players don't have to finish it. Take the jumping paths until there is a breakable stump; break that stump, and jump over to the Altar.

Reward: +2 Intelligence

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.

Source: GameRant