Capcom on how Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection came to be

June 04, 2023

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection director Masakazu Eguchi has briefly discussed the origins of the release.

Eguchi spoke about how it came to be in an interview with 4Gamer. It seems that the project was in the works for about two years, and while Capcom already decided on things internally, it sounds like fans’ interest also helped make things a reality.

Here’s our translation:

First, can you tell us about how the plan for Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection came about?

Eguchi: For a long time we had received requests from fans to port the Mega Man series. Furthermore we had various departments within the company suggesting plans for the ports, and that’s how we decided on doing it.

When did development start?

Eguchi: It’s hard to say exactly, but about two years ago.

Two years ago would have been around the time of the 20th anniversary of the series right? I would imagine around that time the calls for a port would have heightened, did they also have an impact on the realization of the project?

Eguchi: Yes, certainly. We already had plans within the company for the ports, but the strengthening of fans’ voices around that 20th anniversary played a part in its realization. We received a great response when we announced the project.

Source: Nintendo Everything