Man charged in reckless 787 stunt

June 04, 2023

We have new information about a video that had a lot of people talking this weekend.

Both Albany and New York State Police are charging the driver in connection with this chaotic scene on 787.

In a video that’s now gone viral, a woman was hanging onto the hood of a speeding car on Friday afternoon.

20-year-old Bishop Fraser was found in Albany shortly after the incident, Police say.

The 19-year-old woman in the video was not hurt.

Saturday morning, Fraser was arraigned on a reckless endangerment charge in Albany City Court, and released to the supervision of probation.

State police also charged Fraser with 3 counts of reckless endangerment, along with 3 counts of unlawful imprisonment.

He was sent to the Albany County jail in lieu of cash and bond.

Source: WNYT NewsChannel 13