Future of Fishermen's Village in Punta Gorda up for discussion

April 27, 2023

The Punta Gorda City Council meets Thursday morning, giving an opportunity to discuss the fates of Fishermen’s Village and the Military Heritage Museum now that they have been put up for sale.

A meeting was canceled last week, as such meetings were typically held at the Military Heritage Museum. But property owner Jon Larmore’s recent announcement that he is planning to sell both the museum and Fishermen’s Village led to issues with the city’s lease to use the museum for meetings.

Thursday’s meeting takes place at the Charlotte Harbor Events Center, located at 75 Taylor St., at 9 a.m. While the futures of Fishermen’s Village and the Military Heritage Museum are not on the agenda, community members will still have a chance to voice their opinions and offer ideas.

“There is always opportunity for public comment at the beginning of our meetings; residents are given three minutes, and they can talk on any topic that they like,” said Melissa Reichert, Punta Gorda assistant city manager.

“I think it’s great the way it is, to be real honest with you,” said Gary Skillicorn with Smart Growth Punta Gorda. “More is not always better.”

“It does worry me a little bit that this could go on to somebody else, and then somebody else,” said Punta Gorda resident Jeannine Polk. “And with the economy the way it is right now, it’s very scary what could happen to this beautiful area.”

“We don’t have much information on it, and, certainly, we don’t know anything about the implications of it and what it’s going to mean,” Skilliorn said. “I think all we know is the intent to sell the property, and how that’s going to happen and who the receiver is certainly we don’t know.”

Who is going to take over? And what are their plans? Community members will have a chance to ask those questions at the rescheduled meeting.

Source: Wink News