Southern Poverty Law Center should include itself on its 'hate' list

June 08, 2023

For all its claims to profile “hate and antigoverment extremist” outfits, the Southern Poverty Law Center has become nothing more than a hate group itself.

Once it targeted true scum like the Ku Klux Klan.

Now it lists 1,225 “threats,” some of which are “extreme” because they stand for conservative causes.

Or, in one case, a group of moms who just happen to care about their kids.

Yes, Florida-based Moms for Liberty (a nonprofit with 280 chapters) is, per SPLC, is “at the forefront” of groups targeting “any inclusive curriculum that contains discussions of race, discrimination and LGBTQ identities.”

These groups — brace yourself! — wear shirts and carry signs that say, “We do NOT CO-PARENT with the GOVERNMENT.”

Dangerous terrorists, clearly.

Oh, they also “hijack meetings” (read: speak up) and “make the world a less comfortable or safe place for certain students — primarily those who are Black, LGBTQ or who come from LGBTQ families.”

According to the SPLC, Moms for Liberty is “at the forefront” of groups targeting “any inclusive curriculum that contains discussions of race, discrimination and LGBTQ identities.” Photo by GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images

Reality check: They contest radical agendas surrounding these issues — the lie that America was founded to protect slavery; that we need to teach toddlers about masturbation and anal sex; that life-altering surgery is the best medicine for sexually confused kids, and so on.

But validating progressive poppycock keeps the donations rolling in.

Per SPLC boss Margeret Huang, the groups try “to terrorize communities and gain control of public institutions by any means necessary” — which actually translates to trying to (gasp) elect sympathetic officials.

“Terrorize,” according to the SPLC, is voting in elections, running for office and speaking up at public school board meetings. That is, democracy!

But the SPLC’s been a menace long before this latest turn. Internally, it’s faced numerous accusations of racial discrimination and sexual harassment. Externally, it’s been sued repeatedly for defamation and even made at least one seven-figure payout to settle such a suit.

In 2012, a real terrorist opened fire at a pro-family group’s headquarters, later admitting that an SPLC listing inspired his choice of targets.

And just this year, one of its attorneys was among 23 “protesters” charged with actual domestic terrorism for hurling a Molotov cocktail at a future Atlanta police-training facility.

This once-venerable nonprofit no longer fights hate and violence, it feeds both. And anyone giving it a dime is either a dupe or a extremist themselves. SPLC is the biggest hate group there is.

Source: New York Post