Transformers enters the ring trying to be the worst fighting game ever with Beast Wars Transmetals

June 11, 2023

As a massive multi-product franchise, Transformers have appeared in just about every medium and sub-genre of anything you can think of, and that includes bad fighting games.

Matt McMuscles travels back to the distant past of 1999/ 2000 to explore whether Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals may be worthy of the title of The Worst Fighting Game.

This trek back through pre-historic mechanical history is a tale a bit different to most since Beast Wars Transmetals actually had the dishonor of being 2 different games for the PlayStation and Nintendo 64 developed by entirely separate teams, Wavedge and Locomotive respectively.

The PS1 offers an arguably better presentation overall with actual cutscenes included over the slow story text crawls on the N64, and it did try at least to do some interesting ideas with their modes.

Instead of a typical Arcade Mode of the era with character endings, the game offered a Story Mode for each the Maximals and Predacons and a couple of endings for each after completing multiple levels across a map — where as the N64 did have character endings... which were once again relegated to text crawls.

The gameplay doesn't fair much better on the N64 either as it apparently comes off as a fast, sloppy mess where players have to juggle 3 transformations with limited attacks on each and not much variety among the cast.

Things are a good bit slower and more deliberate on the PS1 side apparently and has some more attack options and even Super attacks, which earned the praise of McMuscles as a 'Bad Power Stone'.

It doesn't sound like the PS1 version is going to be in the running to beat out Expect No Mercy, but you can find out if Beast Wars Transmetals has what it takes to be The Worst Fighting Game.

Source: EventHubs