Skyrim's Calendar Points to the Perfect Release Date for The Elder Scrolls 6

June 11, 2023

The Elder Scrolls 6 is a title with very little official information regarding its core details. While fans may be curious to learn about the game's setting and involved characters, the release date of the title may be its most sought-after aspect.

While the year in which The Elder Scrolls 6 will release is still up to conjecture, a leading theory has developed regarding what date the title will become available to players. The date plays off of some in-game lore that was portrayed within 2011's Skyrim, and would be a fantastic homage to keen-eyed fans should the date be chosen.


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The Elder Scrolls' Day of Release

The Elder Scrolls as a franchise is renowned for its world-building, with its fantasy universe being jam-packed with intricate lore that makes its world feel lived in. This has been achieved over the course of many mainline and spin-off titles, with Skyrim having a large wealth of pre-existing lore to portray.

One of the best implicit ways in which Skyrim conveyed the lore of the wider franchise was via its in-game calendar. The calendar points to many influential events and holidays that are remembered on specific dates, and one holiday in particular sticks out.

On the 8th Day of Sun's Dawn, a holiday is celebrated within Tamriel known as the Day of Release. Otherwise shortened to Release Day, this particular holiday commemorates a battle between the Direnni Bloodline and the Alessian Army during the First Era. Sun's Dawn is the second month of The Elder Scrolls' calendar, making its real-world equivalent February 8. A release date for The Elder Scrolls 6 of February 8 would be a smart nod to pre-existing franchise lore, and would potentially be apt for TES 6 in more ways than one.

The Elder Scrolls 6's Setting and the Day of Release

While the release date of The Elder Scrolls 6 remains a relative mystery, there is an extremely prevalent theory regarding where the game will be set. Each mainline TES title usually takes place almost entirely within a single province, with this locational setting being massively influential to an installment's experience. The main source of information that fans have to ascertain TES 6's setting is its 2018 announcement video, which shows a rugged and partly arid landscape.

The size of this land mass and its mountainous regions have led many to believe Hammerfell will be the core setting of The Elder Scrolls 6, with Hammerfell being the most expansive province in Tamriel. However, given the likely scale of TES 6, it is probable that the release will allow players to travel to parts of neighboring provinces, such as High Rock.

The Day of Release celebration is a core part of High Rock's culture, not really being celebrated elsewhere in Tamriel. More specifically, the holiday is a cultural cornerstone of the Glenumbra Moors in High Rock, where the battle itself took place. The fact that TES 6 is rumored to take fans to Hammerfell and High Rock only increases how appropriate it would be to base the game's release date off of the High Rock holiday.

As well as the obvious links between using the Day of Release as the title's actual release date, using the holiday would make fans instantly familiar with some important lore. If these rumored settings hold weight, the history of Hammerfell and High Rock will be explored in detail within TES 6, and this should impact players from the very outset of the game's release.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

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Source: GameRant