Floyd Mayweather, John Gotti III camps storm ring and brawl after Kenny Bayless calls off fight

June 12, 2023

Unable to keep Floyd Mayweather and John Gotti III from behaving themselves in the ring, referee Kenny Bayless called off the main event of Sunday’s Mayweather vs. Gotti III exhibition.

But Gotti III wasn’t ready to stop fighting, and chaos ensued.

Mayweather’s team quickly leapt to the former boxing champ’s aide as Gotti III threatened to keep fighting after Bayless’ call, and that prompted Gotti III’s team to charge the ring, resulting in an ugly brawl that brought the sloppily run exhibition event to a premature halt in the sixth round.

From the outset, officials struggled to contain the fighters’ camps, delaying the eight-round fight for several minutes when entourages refused to clear the aisles for cornermen. Then things got personal when Mayweather’s incessant taunting – of Gotti III and the sizable entourage that showed up to support him – angered the former MMA fighter. No longer did Gotti III play hapless victim as he repeatedly cursed Mayweather, who simply smiled an continue to mock his vastly overmatched opponent.

Bayless tried to turn down the temperature before the fateful 6th round, admonishing both corners for continuing to talk. Gotti III complained to Bayless about a shot to the back of the head as his corner attempted to calm him down.

But when Mayweather went back to his routine, Gotti III lost his cool and held him in a collar tie, trapping another arm as though setting up for the type of attack that might be permitted in the MMA cage. That was the last straw for Bayless, and by the time security officials had contained the melee, the broadcast feed on the Zeus Network pay-per-view cut away to a title card.

Of all the exhibitions that have given Mayweather an extended victory lap after his decorated career (and the type of multi-million earning opportunities usually reserved for professional contests), Sunday’s event at FLA Live in Sunrise, Fla., was a new low.

Did not expect a big fight to break out in the ring….

#Boxing #MayweatherGotti

pic.twitter.com/wdMhsub9JS — Danny (@dantheboxingman) June 12, 2023

Source: MMA Fighting