Billie Eilish Dumps Out Rare Bikini Content

June 12, 2023

Videos by OutKick


Let’s just say the Internet is talking today about an incredibly rare moment — Billie Eilish in an aggressive bikini — that has 20-something brains twisted in 40 different directions.

The 21-year-old singer turned up in the bikini via her friend Annabel Zimmer’s Instagram account and the rest is history. It’s been confirmed: Billie Eilish officially has a rack that has people TALKING, but it’s not all good news because Eilish is pissed at a huge segment of her fans over their reaction to her turning more feminine.

While the British tabloids are freaking out over this being the first sighting of some chest tattoo Eilish is sporting, the real Internet content OGs know exactly why this is a big moment out of “Bad Guy” singer.

This is a vintage content pivot moment out of Eilish.

She’s heading into a new era — the I’m hot and I’m going to play up the sexier side for my next body of work era where she pivots away from the tomboy style that built up her huge following.

“I spent the first 5 years of my career getting absolutely OBLITERATED by you fools for being boyish and dressing how I did and constantly being told I’d be hotter if I acted like a woman,” the California native told her fans back in May.

“And now when I feel comfortable enough to wear anything remotely feminine or fitting, I CHANGED and am a sellout.”

“And “what happened to her” oMg iT’s nOt thE sAmE biLlie she’s just like the rest bla blah…

“You guys are true idiots,’ she hit back at the haters. ‘LOL I can be BOTH you f–ling bozos.”

And there you have it. Business is business. She’s going to play both sides. Notice how she had her friend dump out the bikini content? That isn’t by accident you fools. That’s strategy. Eilish will keep her Instagram basically littered with the content her fans have become accustomed to while the Eilish marketing team will likely rely on the paparazzi and friends to dump out the bikini and feminine content.

Now comes the push in an entertainer’s career where they may try to get her to mix in a movie role and eventually have a public image that turns her into a modern version of Gwen Stefani.

In other words, if you’re one of the bozos who is offended when Eilish is dumping out the bikini content, you better buckle up. There’s clearly more coming.

Source: OutKick