Overwatch 2 is charging you for the PvE it didn't cancel

June 13, 2023

It's been one baffling decision after the other from Blizzard when it comes to Overwatch 2, and with its latest announcement that you'll have to pay for the PvE content it didn't cancel, you can add another one to that list. While the release date for the first batch of PvE content, titled Overwatch 2: Invasion, dropped over the weekend during the Xbox showcase, it wasn't until late last night that Blizzard shared some more specific details, most notably that you'll have to fork over $15 in order to even play it.

The blog post does note that you'll have permanent access to the Overwatch 2: Invasion story missions, but it is bundled with a few other bits and pieces too: 1000 Overwatch Coins, a new Sojourn Legendary skin, and permanent access to Sojourn as a playable hero for new players (you unlock her after beating some story mission challenges).

Blizzard says that the bundle is "intended to give new and veteran players alike the opportunity to explore this brand-new story arc while giving them additional coins to unlock the Premium Battle Pass or to buy cosmetic content for their favourite Hero." But it's obviously a bit iffy that this sequel that's been billed as completely free, and one that exists specifically because of the PvE additions, is making you pay for said PvE.

If paying for Overwatch 2 bundles doesn't bother you, you can also get a more expensive one called the Overwatch 2: Ultimate Invasion Bundle for a much more expensive $40, which gives you everything mentioned above, as well as the Null Sector Premium Battle Pass with 20 Battle Pass skips, an extra 1000 Overwatch Coins (giving you a total of 2000), and two additional Legendary skins for Cassidy and Kiriko.

You'll be able to dive into Overwatch 2: Invasion when it drops August 10, just a couple of months away.

Source: Rock Paper Shotgun