Why CDOT is hosting a hearse parade through Denver on Friday

June 14, 2023

DENVER (KDVR) — There will be a parade on Friday, the day after the Nuggets championship parade, but it will not be a victory march.

Instead, the Colorado Department of Transportation is hosting a parade with a fleet of hearses that will drive through high-traffic areas of Denver.

Parades in June are typically victorious, rainbow and jazzy, so why would CDOT move what they described as a “haunting display” through the state’s capital?

According to a press release from CDOT, the procession is meant to “highlight the grave reality” and remind Coloradans to always wear a seatbelt “or a ride in a hearse could be in your future.”

In 2022, 236 people were killed on Colorado roads without wearing seatbelts.

A statewide study conducted last June revealed that an average of 87% of drivers and passengers on roads in Colorado wear a seat belt.

While the numbers showed significant improvement from the average of 82.1% in 2013, Colorado’s seat belt usage was below the national average of 92%

Wearing a seatbelt significantly reduces the risk of injury or death in a crash, according to CDOT. They said that any occupant without a fastened seatbelt can be ejected from a vehicle and seriously injured or killed.

The parade will follow a press conference at 1 p.m. at the CDOT Headquarters.

Source: FOX 31 Denver