'Jeopardy!' contestants fail to answer Bible clue about 'Our Father'

June 15, 2023

Oh Lord!

One seemingly simple answer prompt has gotten three “Jeopardy!” contestants in hot water with fans, as they failed to correctly finish the Lord’s Prayer.

The clue that had all three contestants stumped: “Matthew 6:9 says, ‘Our Father Which Art in Heaven’ this ‘be thy name.'”

All three contestants stood awkwardly in their place, evidently not knowing the answer as host Mayim Bialik waited for one of them to buzz in, but only the buzzer for time rang out.

At this point in the game, both challengers Joe Seibert and Laura Blyler Scanland were in the negative with -$200 and -$400, respectively, while eventual winner Suresh Krishnan had $1,600 in the bank.

Krishnan would end the show with $14,000, winning his sixth contest in a row, but would ultimately lose Wednesday night.

Fans of the game show were not happy with the contestants, as they deemed it an easy clue.

“That’s ‘hallowed,’ you heathens!” “Jeopardy!” fan Lindsay Wilcox live-tweeted during the show.

The clue that had all three contestants stumped: “Matthew 6:9 says, ‘Our Father Which Art in Heaven’ this ‘be thy name.'” YouTube

“Hey, ‘Jeopardy’ geniuses… It’s HALLOWED. Sheesh, what a sad world we live in,” another person tweeted.

“How can all 3 adults who made it to be contestants on the show not know at least the start of the lord’s prayer (hallowed) or Elizabeth Taylor was in National Velvet?” a third tweet read alluding to another missed answer prompt from Tuesday nights show.

I can’t believe people on Jeopardy didn’t know ‘Hallowed’ be thy name of the Lord’s Prayer. How could they have never heard that.”

At this point in the game, both challengers Joe Seibert and Laura Blyler Scanland were in the negative with -$200 and -$400, respectively, while eventual winner Suresh Krishnan had $1,600 in the bank. FOX News

The Biblical fail, is not the first time this season contestants were stumped by a clue.

June 8’s episode — which also featured Krishnan — had 23 clues left unanswered, 16 of which took place in “Double Jeopardy!”

The missed wrong answers led to only 33 correct ones, which was seen as the lowest of the season.

Source: New York Post