Man fakes his own death to see who truly cared for him, surprises funeral guests by showing up in helicopter

June 15, 2023

LIÈGE, Belgium (Gray News/TMX) – A 45-year-old man in Belgium faked his own death and then arrived at his funeral in a helicopter to surprise his family.

David Baerten, known as @ragnar_le_fou on TikTok where he has 166,000 followers and 2.1 million video likes, reportedly faked his death to find out who really cared about him.

According to The Times U.K., Baerten said his family never invited him to gatherings and that they grew apart. So, he told the newspaper he wanted to give his family a “life lesson” and see who would show up to his funeral.

Baerten said he had help from his wife and children to pull off the prank to make extended family and friends believe that he had died.

Then, at the funeral, Baerten made a grand entrance in a helicopter.

Video of his entrance shows some relatives hugging Baerten while others appear confused.

Baerten told The Times U.K. that only half of his family came to the funeral, which ”proves who really cares about me.”

Copyright 2023 Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved. TMX contributed to this report.

Source: Arizona's Family