The Next V Jump Promo Is… [OCG]

June 17, 2023

Moving on up into the Synchro Era, guys and gals and all in-between.

The next V Jump promo is…

氷魔龍ブリューナク Hyoumaryuu Brionac (Ice {Magic/Demon} Dragon Brionac/Brionac, the Dragon of Icy Malevolence)

Note: This card’s name is similar to the name of the Fusion Trishula, so we went with something equally splashy and flashy.

Basically puff piece explaining Brionac is a legendary Dragon whose presence defined the early Synchro era, helping to put the mechanic on the map.

The remake of it will have its effects revealed at a later time.

Specifically it’ll be revealed on Yu-Gi-Oh.JP on July 7th, 2023

Source: V Jump

Source: YGOrganization