How to keep your home cool, energy bill low during summer months

June 22, 2023

SAN ANTONIO – The record-breaking temperatures can make it hard to be at home, and you might still be sweating even with the air conditioning cranked down. However, some minor home changes could make a huge difference in keeping your home cool and your energy bill low.

“So with this heat, you know, we’re all getting those warnings to turn your AC down,” said John Dunlap, who owns Five Oaks Hardware off Thousand Oaks.

He said more customers are trying to protect their homes from the heat.

“If you go over to your window, you can feel the heat coming in, or if you go outside, you can probably feel the cold coming out and then, you know, just makes your electricity bills higher because you’re AC is having to work harder,” Dunlap said.

Any holes or windows can be sealed up, taped or filled to keep the cold air inside.

Another way to keep your home cool is to buy a large fan or replace your air filter. Write the date on the side of the filter so you know when to replace it.

“The more expensive the filter is, maybe it’ll last for two or three months, but some of them are just every month,” Dunlap said.

Bugs are also trying to find relief from the heat, and they’re sneaking into the cool anyway they can, so you might need bug traps.

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Source: KSAT San Antonio