Highlands Ranch tornado captured on video by home camera struck by ferocious winds

June 24, 2023

HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. (KDVR) – Spectacular images were captured of the tornado that tore through Highlands Ranch on Thursday.

The large tornado was captured on a camera in the backyard of a home in the Kentley neighborhood.

Various colored clouds could be seen forming in wild patterns. Mother Nature’s show was taking place right outside Karl Flick’s back door.

“We started looking at the code red application that showed a little tiny square of where the tornado was predicted to be and realized it was right over our house,” Flick said.

Flick, who uses various instruments to record weather conditions, said winds picked up to 90 mph at his home.

Flick took shelter in his basement.

“I was kind of surprised we were getting a tornado in this area,” Flick said.

The EF1 tornado left a trail of destruction and damaged buildings like Northridge Elementary.

Mike Franquemont rode his bike and documented the storm’s damage, after riding out the storm at his home.

“(There were) violent winds. Crazy rain. The house felt like it was moving at times,” Franquemont said.

Friday’s cleanup continued with countless downed trees and fences, like the one at Flick’s home.

He watched the tornado’s fury all unfold live from his basement.

“I was fearful the roof was going to come off,” Flick said.

He’s thankful he and his family are ok.

Source: FOX 31 Denver