General Hospital

June 24, 2023

Credit: ABC screenshots

It’s starting to feel like the writer’s strike is beginning to impact General Hospital. As I noted in last week’s column, there seems to be a redundancy in certain characters’ interactions, such as Ava and Nina having the same conversation over and over about the SEC and Nina coming clean. There also seem to be a bit more flashbacks to episodes we saw a day or two earlier. On the upside, Cody almost taking down Gladys was my favorite part of the week, Leo and Tracy’s interactions were adorable, and the Ashford-Robinson family drama was overkill as usual.

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Close, But No Cigar

Thanks to Sam, Cody was forced to team up with the most unlikeliest of people to take down Gladys, Spinelli. Spinelli and Cody played a great game trying to convince Gladys that her fitness tracking app placed her at the scene of the crime, but she called their bluff. So, so close! However, it was Ms. Wu of all people who came to Cody’s rescue and forced Gladys to change her story. She also warned Cody to drop his beef with Gladys. While I’m glad bracelet-gate has been resolved, this does nothing to help Sasha out. And the only reason I can fathom as to why Ms. Wu wants to keep a perpetual loser like Gladys around is she knows Gladys is her ticket to getting the upper hand with Sonny. Though really, why would Ms. Wu think that Sonny would step up to help his nuisance of a cousin? And was it just me, or did Ms. Wu seem to leave her accent behind in Hong Kong?

Out of Debt, For Now

Last week I was sure Gladys would blackmail Sasha’s new doctor into tanking her emancipation, however, it looks like it could be worse than even that. Dr. Monty offered to pay Gladys’ debt off for a favor. I really hope I’m wrong, but this is giving me skeevy flashbacks to Kiki’s harassment by the lecherous Dr. Bensch. I would hope even greedy Gladys wouldn’t stoop to pimping out Sasha for cash. Then again, she’s pretty much done everything BUT that to Sasha!

Baby On Board

It might be a new actress in the role, but Kristina is still as much of a pest as ever. Sam was on a roll this week with a lot of her lines, such as asking her inquisitive sister what the P in PI stands for to get Kristina to shut up and stop asking questions that were none of her business. And if it wasn’t already abundantly clear that we are headed toward Kristina offering herself not only to be a surrogate, but a possible egg donor for Molly and TJ, they beat us over the head with it this week. Kristina gushed about how Molly and TJ would be great parents, that she hoped they got the chance, and noted of all her sisters she’s the one with functional plumbing. As I’ve said before, launching such a big story with two new actresses in the roles isn’t exactly making this a storyline that is grabbing my attention.

Three’s Company, Four’s a Crowd

Zeke tattling to Portia about Curtis and Jordan’s kiss, along with his spending the night with Jordan, was a pretty jerk move. He didn’t need to tell Portia about the sex, he could have just said Jordan opened up to him at the bar, which she did. It just seemed weird for him to tell his sister that he just came from a one-night stand with her husband’s ex. TMI Zeke! Here I was enjoying Zeke and Jordan, and now he’s gone and ruined it right out of the gate. He also told Trina to stay away from Curtis, which seemed to just further stir the pot. Time to send Zeke back where he came from!

Portia’s confrontation with Jordan, and her constant victim mentality, was something else. Frankly, Jordan should have laid all the cards on the table with her, including stopping Curtis from getting busy with her. She also should have been honest with Portia when she asked who ended it, and told her she walked away and that Portia and Curtis deserve each other. Curtis and Portia’s characters have been tarnished at this point, making it difficult to even care whether they make it through this or not. This seems to be a trend with a lot of couples on the show lately, ruining one or both of the characters to the point it’s hard to root for them together.

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That Tracy Quartermaine Is Just Mean, Mean Mean!

The adorable Leo was simply amazing in his interaction with Tracy at the hospital. When she asked what he knew about her, he was perfectly direct and honest and answered, “You’re mean!” Still, Tracy sitting with him, and playing with his fidget spinner, was a really cute scene. Sometimes even Tracy has her moments.

Of course, then Tracy laid into Alexis for her suggesting they let Ned “Eddie” Quartermaine work through his issues in his own time. Gregory came to Alexis’ defense and now has pretty much declared war on Tracy. She has enough people who dislike her, so why add Gregory to this list? Plus, Tracy’s already involved in enough storylines as is, so where is this one headed? Are they testing the waters between them as a hate-turned-to-love couple?

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The Return of Eddie Maine

Rather than being fun and carefree, this new Eddie Maine is a real jerk! However, Friday’s scenes and Kevin’s explanation as to why Ned has chosen to become Eddie were brilliant. Basically, Ned’s mind is trying to escape his problems at ELQ, along with the SEC accusations, and his God-awful family. As Brooke Lynn put it, who wouldn’t want a break from their family? It’s also fun watching Wally Kurth get to play someone else other than Ned, who can often be a bit of a bland and boring businessman most of the time. This could be a way to completely reinvent Ned after he comes out of this mess, maybe see him even walk away from ELQ and pursue something else.

Well That Didn’t Go As Planned

Sam was fantastic in her reaction to Drew informing her he was going to jail to protect Carly, which he claimed was for the best. As she put it, was this the best option for him? For Scout? Or just Carly and her family? Why does Donna come before Scout? You go, Sam! Sam was right to call out Drew for throwing himself on a sword for Carly, as the judge tossed out the deal and sent him to Pentonville for three years. So long Drew, and say hi to Cyrus! Don’t worry about Scout, Dante will be her daddy now.

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And as if Drew hasn’t sacrificed enough for Carly, he actually contemplated selling Aurora, the company that was supposed to be Scout’s legacy, to help out Carly and pay the heft fines the SEC is going to hit her with. This dumbing down of Drew to be Carly’s protector is not romantic or a great love story, it is just painful to watch. He’s a far cry from the character and the man that would move heaven and earth for Oscar. And speaking of dumb, that’s actually the defense Zeke should have argued when the judge sought to make an example of Drew. “Your honor, my client not only has no history of securities fraud, but he and Ms. Spencer are so stupid they didn’t even know they were committing insider trading. He’s no criminal, no threat to society, and no one to make an example of, he’s just an idiot.”

Martin’s Exes

In spite of Lucy being one of the most, if not the most annoying character for the past several months, she and Martin are fun together. Martin expressing he has no desire to ever marry again, which is connected to his three ex-wives who have become thorns in his side, opens up some fun storyline possibilities. Given General Hospital often likes to pull actors from former ABC daytime properties, it could be fun if they cast some of Michael E. Knight’s former daytime partners for some cameo appearances as his dreaded three ex-wives.

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That’s all I’ve got in the way of my opinions this week. As always, join the conversation and share your thoughts in the comments!

Before you go, check out the photo gallery below of our favorite soap quotes of the week.
