Thieves hit church lot 20 times in 13 hours

June 24, 2023

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Police say thieves visited a Nutbush church 20 times over a 13-hour period, stealing one car and breaking into several others on the lot.

Investigators said the suspects jumped a fence to gain access to the parking lot at Brinkley Heights Baptist Church on Rosamond Avenue Monday.

Stolen 2017 Kia Optima

In the surveillance video, you can see the suspects drive a stolen blue 2017 Kia Optima through a locked gate.

Police said the thieves were at the church at various times between 1 p.m. on June 19 and 2 a.m. the next morning.

Suspect’s vehicle

They got away with an air compressor, several backpacks, a tire iron, two car jacks, and a survival knife.

The suspects arrived in a burgundy SUV and were caught on camera.

If you know anything about thefts, call Crimestoppers at (901) 528-CASH.

Source: WREG NewsChannel 3