Albion mother arrested after allegedly holding two-year-old daughter underwater

June 24, 2023

LANSING, Mich. (WILX) - A 35-year-old woman is in police custody after officials say she held her two-year-old daughter underwater. According to the Albion Department of Public Safety, officers with the Department and deputies with the Calhoun County Sheriff’s office responded to a home on Bluestern Ct. in Albion on Saturday at 10:30 a.m.

In a 911 call placed from the residence, children could be heard screaming and asking for help.

The Albion Department of Public Safety says when officers arrived on the scene, they heard commotion behind a locked door in the home. An officer kicked down the door to find a 35-year-old woman holding a two-year-old underwater in a bathtub. An officer with ADPS then took the child away from the woman and began CPR, while the deputy detained the woman. The child coughed up water and began breathing on her own shortly after CPR began.

After further investigation, officers say the 35-year-old woman is the mother of four children in the home.

The two-year-old girl held underwater also had stab wounds to the chest and throat. A four-year-old boy in the home also had cuts on his back. It is believed both of those children may have ingested cleaning fluid as well.

Each of the children were transported to a hospital in Jackson before being flown to Ann Arbor, where they are currently stable.

Two other children were home at the time of the incident, an 8-year-old and a 15-year-old girl, who were both seemingly unharmed. The 15-year-old had called 911 for help.

The 35-year-old mother is in custody but was taken to the hospital because police say she may have also ingested cleaning fluid.

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Source: WILX