U.S. Pedestrian Deaths Are at Highest Level in 41 Years, Report Says

June 27, 2023

The report identified several factors that could have contributed to this increase, including more risky driving during the coronavirus pandemic and a lack of awareness and enforcement of laws meant to keep pedestrians safe.

“This is a real crisis that’s sort of flown under the radar,” said Angie Schmitt, the author of “Right of Way: Race, Class, and the Silent Epidemic of Pedestrian Deaths in America.”

The United States is a global outlier in roadway deaths. In recent years, other comparable developed countries have done more to reduce pedestrian, cyclist and motorcyclist deaths, researchers say. Those safety measures have included lowering speed limits, building more protected bike lanes and requiring vehicle design safety measures that better protect people outside of a vehicle.

The report’s analysis of pedestrian deaths in 2021 used data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which is not directly comparable to the state data sets because they use different criteria for pedestrian deaths. Some states, for example, may include deaths that occurred 30 days after the crash in their count, while the federal government numbers do not.

The federal data included specific information about crashes, such as light conditions, driving speeds and road types. It did not include other data that researchers say could be useful for studying crashes, such as if the victim was homeless or the driver was texting.

Source: The New York Times