Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Essential Games for May 2023?

April 29, 2023

@Ravix yeah that's mainly what I was waiting for. There were a few times I almost bought it when it was on sale but held off because Ubisoft seems to love allowing their titles to pad out the ps plus tiers.

Is it a game one can enjoy and ignore the microtransactions? Yah I could tell ride away the cut scenes were gonna be cringe and tone deaf. Even dirt 5 was cringe AF. I'll probably give it a go. Thanks for the insights.

I don't mean to shade Ubisoft so much but man have they earned it for me personally. Even on the most basic level even if a game looks interesting from them, I have this almost subconscious hesitation and feeling of caution just knowing it's coming from them. This isn't just an assumption either, it's based on years and years of playing their titles that almost always become a chore to get through, and often for the same recurring design decisions throughout their IPs.

It's to the point now I don't think I would ever pay anything more than a third of full price for anything they make unless they were to really break out of the formulaic corporate shareholder assembly line they have been in for some time.

Source: Push Square