Skullgirls update alters or removes some sexual and other content deemed too objectionable by the developers

June 28, 2023

Although Skullgirls first released over 11 years ago, the fighting game is still continuing to see regular content updates in the way of DLC. This latest one is a bit different, however.

Hidden Variable and Autumn Games have revealed that the most recent round of patches to Skullgirls 2nd Encore actually made some alterations or removed some content the developers are no longer comfortable including in the game, which has of course created very mixed reactions across the community.

"As many of you know, Skullgirls has had a long and colorful history shaped by a variety of contributors over the years," wrote Director Charley "MightyZug" on the game's forum. "As we look ahead towards the future of Skullgirls, we have reflected upon past decisions regarding certain content that has undermined the many things that make Skullgirls truly unique and special.

As such, as part of our most recent round of updates across all platforms (console and mobile), we have decided to make some changes to certain legacy content in the spirit of better reflecting our values and our broad vision for Skullgirls moving forward."

Their first point of contention was the "allusions to real-world hate groups", which now removes the armbands from Egret soldiers as well as a different heraldry for the Black Egrets organization in the game that now applies to animation and artwork.

As part of a global Skullgirls content update, we have adjusted several art assets in Skullgirls Mobile, Skullgirls 2nd Encore, and the Digital Art Compendium on all platforms.

You can read the full details and rationale behind these changes here: — Skullgirls (@Skullgirls) June 26, 2023

Character sexualization and agency was their second big point, which doesn't aim to remove all sexual or suggestive content from the game, but is specifically targeting situations where it is done against a character's will.

So some animations and artwork have been altered or removed, but there's still plenty of cleavage and panties present in Skullgirls.

Their final target for the content adjustments came down to "racial sensitivity" that sees a couple pieces of art from Big Band's story altered though the developers state they're still leaving in place "numerous playful references to pulpy themes" that the game has featured for years.

While many fans seem to be supportive or indifferent to these changes, there are plenty of others voicing their objections to the removal of content that's been in Skullgirls for over a decade in some cases.

That includes the removal of four guest illustrations from the gallery and alterations to concept art.

Some fans have also apparently taken review bombing Skullgirls on Steam for the update, leaving it with a Mostly Negative score for recent reviews though its all time rating is still Very Positive.

"We of course realize that some members of the Skullgirls community may disagree with these changes, either in terms of how we chose to address them or whether they were in fact issues that warranted addressing in the first place," wrote MightyZug. "Please know that all of these choices have been made following careful consideration and lengthy discussion amongst all members of the current development team. Beyond this post, we do not intend to discuss the particulars of these changes further.

We are confident that this will provide a more sound foundation for Skullgirls that we can all be proud of as we continue to grow and expand the universe in the years to come.

Needless to say, thank you all so much for your support over the years. The future of Skullgirls has never looked brighter, and it is all thanks to you and your efforts to help us get to where we are today."

Hidden Variable and Autumn Games took over development duties for Skullgirls 2nd Encore in 2020 following the controversy surrounding Lab Zero Games owner Mike Z and essentially dissolution of the studio.

Some who previously worked on Skullgirls also joined the new team, who have been releasing new characters and updates for the game ever since with more planned for the future.

You can find the full list of changes to Skullgirls 2nd Encore on the game's forum here.

Source: EventHubs