Preventing hearing loss during the 4th of July

June 28, 2023

NORTH DAKOTA (KXNET) — The Fourth of July usually means cookouts, swimming, and of course, fireworks. However, it’s entirely possible for hearing loss to occur during the firework festivities — meaning it is important to learn proper safety methods before lighting the fuse.

Although this may not be as major of a concern in adults, children are more susceptible to hearing loss when they are exposed to loud noises. To this end, extra precautions should be taken

“What actually causes the hearing loss is the large sound pressure levels generated by the boom created in fireworks,” said Audiologist, Brad Ness. “The anatomy of a child’s ear is so much smaller, and the sound pressure level is significantly greater, so we really need to take caution with children.”

This concern is one that ties into general safety too: Memory Fireworks in Bismarck says you should never let your child play with a firework alone.

“We always want to have an adult there monitoring everything,” said the owner, Shannon Knutson. “Never let the child light the firework themselves. Always keep them a safe distance from the fireworks.”

Wearing earplugs and earmuffs can protect children’s ears as well — and if you must get your firework fix, Memory Fireworks says they have plenty of child-safe options.

“We have the fun LED Light bracelets,” Knutson said. “We have snaps. We have the ‘Poopy Puppy’ that is like a snake, and that’s really fun.”

Of course, children are not the only ones who can experience hearing loss.

When exposed to loud noises, some people will experience temporary loss of hearing, however, according to Ness, if you are repeatedly too close to fireworks, it can cause irreversible damage.

“In about 24 hours,” he explained, “you will see those hair cells start to gradually recover, and we get it back. However, if we do this repeatedly — whether it be with fireworks or any other excessive noises — it does become permanent. So we end up with the permanent sensory hearing loss that doesn’t recover if we do this enough times.”

If your ears are feeling plugged, or you feel the need to pop them for more than a day, Ness states that you should make an appointment with your doctor.

Before getting your fireworks for the holiday, remember that shooting them off in Bismarck and Minot is illegal. People caught shooting fireworks in Bismarck could face a fine of up to $1,500 and a $150 fine in Minot.

Source: KX NEWS