‘The Witcher’ Recap: Season 3 Episode 1

June 29, 2023

If there’s only one thing you take away from The Witcher‘s third season premiere, now streaming on Netflix, let it be this: Geralt and Yennefer are one of the hottest couples on television right now.

No one would blame you for forgetting that fact, of course, since it’s been roughly 18 months since the last season came out. But now that we’ve been reunited with the fraught lovers at long last, you’d have to be willfully ignorant not to ‘ship them with every ounce of your being.

Though Geralt and Yennefer are physically together as they continue to protect Ciri from those who wish to harm her (aka everyone), the two are emotionally worlds apart atop Season 3. Geralt’s lingering distrust prevents him from even speaking to Yennefer, leaving her to communicate through a series of letters, each of which end with “Your friend, Yennefer.” Heartbreaking!

The duo’s icy dynamic gradually thaws as the premiere progresses, first with a lingering glance at their latest hideout, followed by a walk down clothing-optional memory lane. Geralt even kinda-sorta wishes Yennefer a happy birthday! (Fine, he simply acknowledges that it’s her birthday. But we’re desperate enough to take that as a win for now.)

Unfortunately, the events of the hour — including a nasty encounter with a Ciri-tracking jackapace, plus a bloody battle with Rience and the elves at Shaerrawedd — bring Geralt and Yennefer to a crossroads. She believes it’s in Ciri’s best interest to bring her to Aretuza, where her magic can grow stronger under Tissaia’s guidance, while Geralt remains focused on finding and destroying Rience.

“Just say this isn’t goodbye for good,” Yennefer tells Geralt as they prepare to go their separate ways. “That there are more nights to come. That you will, in whatever form, think of me.” At this point, anyone with at least one working eye and a beating heart is anticipating a kiss, especially with the music swelling as he replies, “That’s my promise to you.” Sadly, we get no kiss. Instead, we get yet another letter, this time from Geralt to Yennefer:

“Dear friend, you asked at Belleteyn if I left after all those good nights because I was scared. Perhaps I was. Perhaps that is what led me to this very moment. Now, for the first time, I understand real fear. Never seeing you and Ciri again. Much is uncertain on this continent. The dangers we’ve seen foretell an even more menacing future. But, Yen, please know I will learn to trust you again. You, Ciri and I, we belong together. Your friend, Geralt.”

(Editorial time: It’s moments like this that make me even more concerned about the impending Henry Cavill/Liam Hemsworth recast between Seasons 3 and 4. When Cavill leaves the show, he’ll take with it the Geralt/Yennefer chemistry that I just spent 450 breathless words writing about.)

What are your big takeaways from The Witcher‘s return? And how are you feeling about Geralt and Yennefer’s strained relationship? Grade the premiere below, then drop a comment with your full review.

Source: TVLine