Love Horoscope For June 30, During Mercury Trine Saturn

June 30, 2023

Today's love horoscope for June 30 is here, and one short transit can impact our love lives: Mercury trine Saturn. You have heard that communication is the golden ticket to your Willy Wonka chocolate bar regarding love, but when Mercury, the planet of communication, speaks with Saturn good and bad things can happen no matter how carefully you craft a sentence. It's all about delivery and tone today, as conversations can become as uncomfortable as talking to your church-going grandmother about your love life.

Today's love forecast is about restriction and holding back your tongue on thoughts we must learn to keep to ourselves. For some zodiac signs who tend to be blunt and brutal with a partner, today is not the day to fight over laundry left on the bedroom floor (even if you showed them a million times where the dirty clothes hamper is located). You may find yourself sleeping alone on the couch or eating dinner from a cardboard box with text messages left on read.

You're being warned. Saturn can be severe when in Pisces, even when it's in harmony with Mercury. Saturn does something unexpected when it's in a powerful position. It gives blessings and unique gifts to those who have worked hard in their relationships. But, if you've been unappreciative of your partner, flirting outside of your relationship and thinking the grass is greener on the other side, listen up. Saturn may decide to bring those shady activities to the surface and expose it. Saturn is the planet that makes a relationship last, so if you're in one that you don't really want, Saturn will end it. Bad vibes can lead to a breakup or two, and that's how the Crumbl cookie goes. Many of you don't want that, so stop it now and remember ... Saturn, not your parents or the government, is watching.

On the more positive side of Mercury trine Saturn rx, we have the gift of gab and the mental fortitude to tackle tough topics: financial matters, divorce matters, and we can amazingly agreeing on what will work and what won't.

Today's love horoscope teaches us how Saturn stripes away the fluff in conversations, and lucky us, today Mercury is agreeable with Saturn. Often when Mercury has a meeting with Saturn, as it will for the next few days, we are diplomatic and cooperative. So whatever your relationship status is on Facebook or private; complicated or just figuring things out, here's what your love horoscope forecast will be on June 30, based on your zodiac sign.

What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Friday, June 30, 2023:


Things are going well for you in the love department, Aries, and this is when you may feel inclined to overshare the details about a romance with friends.

While life feels special in fantasy, and there's no harm in sharing how happy you are, remember the audience is everything—sharing with friends? Good. Are you oversharing at work? It may not be the right place or time to do so.


Today's Mercury trine Saturn brings an important matter across your desk to review. You may need to read over a contract related to home purchase for you and your partner.

If you're in the process of negotiating divorce terms, drafting nuptials or considering getting married, today's energy is perfect for consulting with your lawyer, checking to see if anything is missed and tightening up critical loose ends that impact your current love life and the one you hope to enjoy in the future.


Money, money and more money. Financial matters are what's on your mind today, and it may involve how you help others to reach a goal, finance a big dream or how you would like your estate to be divvied out in the future.

It's always good to make sure all your important documents are up to date and reflective of your current wishes. If there are a few things you still need to do to ensure your estate is as you wish it to be, today's perfect for tackling this matter and ensuring your partner knows what to expect.


You love people, and as the sign associated with spiritual love that strives to make everyone feel comfortable, you tend to let people walk all over you.

Today's astrology reveals that you have to set clear boundaries with people in your life, and even if you love someone, that does not mean you need to bend backward to please them. Don't simply hide from saying how you feel; communicate.


Being friends with an ex may be OK to some people, but your current partner might dislike that you continue to stay in touch with the person you once loved more than anything else.

It might not be an overall dealbreaker, but consider stopping if you've been sharing details or talking about current relationship problems with an old flame for their advice and input.

Today's Mercury trine Saturn indicates that your partner may decide they don't need to feel like a third wheel in your relationship. So rather than sacrifice your future for the sake of the past, it's time to decide who is best for you in the long run.


A breakup is hard on your heart, but a good friend can help you feel more confident about the future.

Don't be too quick to dismiss someone's offer of help to get letters where they need to go or to help you pack and unpack for your next adventure — wherever the road leads you in your love life.


You're not one to take too many unnecessary risks, but you may decide to make an exception for true love. A workplace romance is starting to bloom for you.

Onlookers sensing that something special is growing between you and coworkers may gossip or accuse you of spending more time focused on a romance than your job.


A love nest is what you want, and it's also what you think your life needs.

You're so ready to turn a house into a home, so when you read that there may be an opportunity to buy a property that needs work a part of you may leap at the chance to tackle your own project. Bonus points if your significant other enjoys using their hands as well.


Sharing secrets can be such an intimate game that happens when you start to feel like you genuinely trust one another.

Today you may enjoy getting to know your potential partner a bit better, and part of the process will include opening up about your hopes, dreams and fears.

You love it when you can be openly transparent with your life's story, and today's astrology helps you feel more receptive to it.


Money is one of the greatest reasons people breakup, but you can avoid this problem by being transparent with each other. It's time to make sure you and your partner are both on the same page when it comes to finances.

Today you may have financial problems brought to your attention — a bill in the mail or a collector calling over the phone. They may want to pay the expense off now, but you might prefer a payment plan to avoid being cash poor. However, things work out, expect there to be a power struggle. You will figure it out.


Today life demands a lot from you, so one thing you'll need to do today is double-check your priorities. It would help if you were sure that when it's time to exercise, talk on the phone or get essential things done, you should feel rested and ready to focus.

Please set up a schedule that helps you prioritize your needs so they are met without too much fanfare or misunderstood by your significant other.


You're a sweet soul who would not want to hurt a fly. You love the area because of the memories it brings up for you.

Your relationship has had its fair share of ups and downs, but today, you may feel open and receptive to feedback from a partner that you were once closed off to. Today brings your situation around full circle, which will be a relief.

Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

Source: YourTango